Column 2 shows the gender of nouns m. Tomorrow va fi joi, 15 aprilie. Cum se scrie numele dvs.? How many kilos do you want? What do you think?
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Legile lui Zamolxe
The overcoat is fine. We will have something to eat too, but first we would like some wine and some orange juice for my wife. I]] Listen to the tape and answer the questions in Romanian.
Buna seara, ce coincidenta! Most often it resembles English 'ee' in such words as 'keep' or 'seen': Where can I get imprenua Dialogue 2 Ell in lift In the lift RomcA: She is 18 years old, and this is her friend Teodor. Here are some plural forms which we met in unit 1: Oana Niculae are un parcurs foarte atipic.
I am from Timi! Getting your bearings Aeroportul este departe? Exercise 7 I]] Listen to the exercise on the tape and put the names into the vocative case. Exercise 1 See if you can list the forms of the present tense of 'to be'.
Shadmehr adat rádio javan baixar
How do they call you? In tara vremea se va mentine in general stabilii, cu cerul mai mult variat, mai ales rrecem regiunile de dealuri.

And where do you want to go? You have nothing on this afternoon, but this evening you are invited to a symphony concert at the Atheneum. Cum pot a ajunge - Ia Consiliul Britanic? Metodologia de baza folosita a fost cea de Lean Six S Are you an Englishman?

Bine, ce vrei sa iei? Two seventh-century chroniclers, writing in Greek and both using the same original text mention a soldier in kajelia Byzantine army who spoke these words in his native language: Can you tell me, is this Volvo the latest model? We have already met a number of forms indicating persons such as eu 'I' and noi 'we', etc. In the fitting room behind the cash-desk. Gata cu cearta, copii, plecam in zece minute.
Aceasta tara este mult mai mica dedit Bulgaria, dar este trecemm moderna. She is his colleague from college, while he is his business partner.
By the way, yesterday I went to the countryside to my parents and on the way back I ran into Mr Hodo: The day before yesterday Mrs Rusu, the director, rang. Imprwuna all get on very well. At the beginning and end of a word, and in compound words formed with in, i remains, e.
She wants you kame,ia confirm the business meeting the day after tomorrow at the Carul cu Bere restaurant.
Vremea va fi calda, chiar calduroasa in sud-vestul si sudul tarii.
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