Friday, 6 December 2019


Full-vectorial solvers Finite Difference and Film Mode Matching-based Adaptive grids for thin layers Bend and leaky mode solver Reliable higher order modes solvers Generic simulation features: Express 10, WMM Free software developed by Dr. Replies 4 Views The substrate is silicon, first cladding is silicon dioxide, core is SU-8 photoresist, and on the top it is the air. Meshing introduces finite difference errors of a certain level, and fields weaker than the differencing error cannot be calculated. Assess parameters, sensitivities, and tolerances Fiber mode solving of LP or Vector modes by Finite Difference or by Transfer Matrix Methods Visualization of multimode interference patterns with propagation Automatic parameter scanning Applications: beamprop

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FMM Solver Based on the mode matching method Optimized for rectangular waveguide structures Fully vectorial solver Generic version capable of solving structures with complex beajprop index such as metallic components and waveguides with gain A version optimized for real structures only The mode matching method models an arbitrary waveguide by a list of vertical slices, each uniform laterally, but composed vertically of a number of layers.

Advanced mode solvers that are especially useful for multimode fiber calculations, where there are many modes in the spectrum.


It includes a numerical mode solver for optical fibers, calculating LP modes for radially symmetric refractive index profiles. Replies 8 Views Posted Aug 13, OlympIOs offers a choice basic and more advanced mode solvers. The substrate is silicon, first cladding is silicon dioxide, core is Bwamprop photoresist, and on the top it is the air.

The modeled area may be bound by either perfect metallic or magnetic walls or with periodic boundary conditions. Full-vectorial solvers Finite Difference and Film Mode Matching-based Adaptive grids for thin layers Bend and leaky mode solver Reliable higher order modes solvers Generic simulation features: Hooker, "Tapered polymer single-mode waveguides for mode transformation," J.

Chen, "A study and optimization of eigenmode calculations using the imaginary-distance beam-propagation method," J. A scalar version is also available.

It shows the monitor output. Exploits the circular symmetry, thus making it extremely fast.

B 23, FIMMWAVE is a generic, robust, fully vectorial mode finder for 2D waveguide structures, which contains a variety of robust and computationally efficient solvers optimized for a particular geometry. The meshless mode solvers, on the other hand, have the correct asymptotic behavior far from the fiber, and can calculate fields of magnitude or less. Express 10, R. Beamlrop 2 Views Can solve for the propagating modes of a structure with an arbitrary two- or three-dimensional index cross section Calculates mode spectrum Mode profiles Imaginary distance BPM method is faster; it is the default choice and is recommended for most standard waveguide problems Correlation method is slower, but more general, e.


Posted Oct 3, I have done 3 calculations with various core thickness and have obtained the 3 graphs please see the attached fileas shown. Which option of monitor you set to view the output power?

BeamPROP for Windows Demo

Effective Index Method and Marcatili Method are approximate two-dimensional solvers that can be used for performing fast initial estimates, followed by calculations using more accurate mode solving techniques such as finite difference based method and film mode matching method. Yevick and Witold Bardyszewski, "Correspondence of variational finite-difference relaxation and imaginary-distance propagation methods for modal analysis", Opt.


Extensive parameterization capabilities Vary runs Material library Related publications: Capacitance question Started by Marquize10 Jul 16, Replies: But how do I interpret these results? Thread starter mariajacob Start date Jul 24, The method is theoretically exact for an infinite number of 2D modes.

BeamPROP for Windows Demo

Can you please help me to explain the results. A mode solver comparison," Opt. It also calculates optical powers in fiber amplifiers and lasers.

Finite-element method based solver detailed description can be found in the Beamptop section Applications: Hi, I'm new to this software. OptiFiber uses numerical mode solvers and other models specialized to fibers for calculating dispersion, losses, birefringence, and PMD.

Express 10,

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